展開 キャリア・スタディ科目群
Human Relationship in Contemporary Society Ⅰ(PBL)
Human Relationship in Contemporary Society Ⅰ(PBL)(CF232)
配当年次 2年次 単位 2 開講学期 春学期
履修条件   授業形態 アクティブラーニング
能力要素(メイン) 多文化共生力 能力要素(サブ) 計画力・実行力 その他  
使用する言語 英語(80%), 日本語(20%) ナンバリング CF232
到達目標 現代社会における人間関係のあり方について、さまざまな事例を通して理解する。
Students will be able to discuss various factors that influence interpersonal relationships in contemporary society--both relationships with in groups and with out groups. Students will also be able to connect their personal interactions with the larger pattern of interactions in contemporary society.

Jeff Berglund
Interpersonal relationships in contemporary society
We will focus on the interpersonal relationships that make up much of our daily life as well as on how our membership in certain culture groups (e.g. age, gender, language, body ability, economic level, etc) influence the ways in which we interact with people in the same group (ingroup interactions) and with people in other groups (outgroup interactions). We will begin with family and friends, then classmates. We will look at how gender and age affect our interactions, both ingroup and outgroup.
第1週 Self introductions using photographs (photographs will be provided) followed by Q and A
第2週 Pair interviews and "other" introductions, followed by Q and A
第3週 Using the Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck inventory to discover our own culture values
第4週 Using the Hofstede inventory to discover our own orientations
第5週 Presentations about family values and orientations
第6週 Presentations about family values and orientations continued
第7週 Presentations about friends' values and orientations
第8週 Presentations about friends' values and orientations continued
第9週 Gender Culture--Part 1 (Legally Blond)--Discussion of gender culture
第10週 Gender Culture--Part 2 (What Women Want)--Discussion of gender culture continued
第11週 Age Culture--Part 1 (ひらのりょうこ/山の郵便配達)--Discussion of age culture
第12週 Age Culture--Part 2 (おばあちゃんの家)--Discussion of age culture continued
第13週 Group presenations about gender culture followed by Q and A
第14週 Group presentations about age culture followed by Q and A
第15週 Review of the semester (Pleasantville)
Students will be required to take an active role in deciding particulars about their own classes. Students must take an active part as both speakers and listeners during small group and large group discussions. Students must take an active part as both presentators and as listeners during individual and group presentations. All discussions and presentations shall be done in English. Students will be required to hand in a final report answering specific questions posed by the teacher.
授業への取り組み 60%
レポート 40%
Reports must be written in English using the guidelines for writing a thesis or project paper for graduation projects or theses. Students will be required to answer specific questions about family and friends as well as about gender culture and age culture.
(1) 授業中に指示する    


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