展開 グローバル・スタディ科目群 エリアB
Intercultural Communication in Practice Ⅰ(BC10E)
配当年次 2年次 単位 2 開講学期 春学期
履修条件   授業形態  
能力要素(メイン) 多文化共生力 能力要素(サブ) コミュニケーション力 その他  
使用する言語 日本語(50%), 英語(50%) ナンバリング BC10E
到達目標 日本の文化について考えるための、文化とコミュニケーションに関する理論を学ぶことができる。

Jeff Berglund
This course will look at Japanese cultural characteristics, Japanese language characteristcs, and Japanese communication styles. Spring semester will focus on Japanese culture and communication in general.
This is not a lecture class. Students will actively participate in smal group discussions as well as making individual presentations. Classes will be conducted both in English and in Japanese. Students will be asked to evaluate their understanding of each class as well as the levels of English and Japanese usage for each class.
第1週 Overview of course. Making name plates. Visible and invisible culture.
第2週 Foundations of Japanese culture and communication. Japanese communication styles.
第3週 The onion of culture metaphor. Artifacts and Behaviors→Norms→Values.
第4週 Using the onion of culture metaphor to talk about Japanese culture. Individual presentations in English or Japanese.
第5週 Individual presentations in English or Japanese continued.
第6週 The bell curve of cultural traits. Looking at Japanese culture.
第7週 Student presentations using a bell curve analysis to look at Japanese society.
第8週 Characteristics of Japanese language.
第9週 Student presentations of Japanese language characteristics.
第10週 The role of ambiguity in Japanese language, culture, and communication.
第11週 What is nonverbal communication?
第12週 Nonverbal communication activities.
第13週 Presentation of student mini research projects about nonverbal communication 1.
第14週 Presentation of student mini research projects about nonverbal communication 2.
第15週 Review of the Semester
Students will be asked to make name plates that will be used to mark their seating--they will be sitting next to different people each class. In groups of four, students will discuss the topic of the day. Individual presentations will be done in these small groups. The best presentation from each group will present to the class.
授業への取り組み 50%
レポート 50%
Individual presentations in class will be evaluated by the teacher, other students, and the presenter him/herself. Two written reports will be required, both in English.
(1) プリント     
(1) 授業中に指示する    


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