基幹 外国語強化科目 英語インテンシブ
Media English Ⅱ
Media English Ⅱ
配当年次 2年次 単位 2 開講学期 春学期
履修条件   授業形態 アクティブラーニング
能力要素(メイン) 問題発見力・解決力 能力要素(サブ) 思考力・判断力 その他  
使用する言語 英語(100%) ナンバリング  
到達目標 Media English I で学んだことを踏まえて、社説や論評などの比較的高度な内容の記事を理解できるよう語彙力の増強、読解力ならびに聴解力の向上を図ることができる。また、国内外の政治・経済・文化などの幅広い分野に関する常識・教養を身につけることができ、さらに異文化を理解することができる。
This course builds on the foundation laid in Media English I and focuses on further vocabulary building and development of comprehension and listening skills needed for understanding comparatively more difficult texts, such as editorials and commentaries. Broadening students' knowledge by exploring the politics, economics, and cultures of English-speaking countries, as well as of Japan, while promoting cross-cultural understanding will also be emphasized.

Todd Thorpe
Exploring and discussing global and local issues in English
Throughout this course, students will explore and discuss a variety of global and local issues from numerous media resources, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and radio news.
第1週 Course introduction and explanation of listener and presenter roles
第2週 Group 1-presentations on issue of choice, Group 2-active listening
第3週 Group 2-presentations on issue of choice, Group 1-active listening
第4週 Group 1-presentations on issue of choice, Group 2-active listening
第5週 Group 2-presentations on issue of choice, Group 1-active listening
第6週 Group 1-presentations on issue of choice, Group 2-active listening
第7週 Group 2-presentations on issue of choice, Group 1-active listening
第8週 Group 1-presentations on issue of choice, Group 2-active listening
第9週 Group 2-presentations on issue of choice, Group 1-active listening
第10週 Group 1-presentations on issue of choice, Group 2-active listening
第11週 Group 2-presentations on issue of choice, Group 1-active listening
第12週 Group 1-presentations on issue of choice, Group 2-active listening
第13週 Group 2-presentations on issue of choice, Group 1-active listening
第14週 Review of Issues
第15週 Examination (90 minutes)
Students must attend all of the lessons, complete the assigned homework, and contribute to the classrooms discussions.
授業への取り組み 30%
試験 20%
6 Active Listening Sheets20%
6 Presentation Sheets30%
The examination will be a review of the issues that were covered each week.
(1) 授業中に指示する    


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All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) 2006, Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages