基幹 英米語学科 専攻語科目(必修)
Academic Writing Ⅰ
Academic Writing Ⅰ
配当年次 1年次 単位 1 開講学期 春学期
履修条件   授業形態 反転型アクティブラーニング導入予定科目
能力要素(メイン) 思考力・判断力 能力要素(サブ) コミュニケーション力 その他  
使用する言語 英語(100%) ナンバリング  
到達目標 英文の構造及び構成(paragraph構成)について理解できる。
身近な話題について、paragraph単位の英文を書くことができる。Students will be expected to both understand the structure and purpose of paragraphs in English. Students will be expected to write a variety of different types of paragraphs in English about relevant topics.


Introduction to Writing
In this course students will learn how to organise their and structure their ideas in writing, a skill that forms the basis of academic writing. Students will become familiar with how English is used in a variety of different genres, while learning to compose paragraphs and short essays. Part of this process involves learning to anaylze and summarize model texts,and outlining and organizing ideas before writing. In addition to improving their writing skills, students will also learn to identify and correct common technical and grammatical errors, as well as become more skillful at peer editing. Finally, students will also learn how to write simple emails using a proper form.
第1週 Orientation and Learning to Write the Email
第2週 Writing in Color: Participants, Processes, and Circumstances
第3週 Writing in Color: Describers and Qualifiers
第4週 Writing a Personal Recount A: Expert Text Analysis
第5週 Writing a Personal Recount B: Moves and Mini Moves
第6週 Writing a Personal Recount C: Outlining and Writing
第7週 Peer Editing and Review
第8週 Writing an Instruction A: Expert Text Analysis
第9週 Writing an Instruction B: Moves and Mini Moves
第10週 Writing an Instruction C: Outlining and Writing
第11週 Peer Editing and Review
第12週 Writing an Argument A: Expert Text Analysis
第13週 Writing an Argument B: Moves and Mini Moves
第14週 Writing an Argument C: Outlining and Writing
第15週 Final Reflection and Portfolio Submission
Students will be responsible for attending class regularly and actively participating in all course activities in and out of class.
授業への取り組み 50%
Final Writing Portfolios50%
(1) 『Workbook ※書籍部で販売』     
(2) 『Textbook1:Jorney Through Genre ※書籍部で販売』     
(1) 授業中に指示する    


  All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) 2006, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(C) 2006, Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages